
Strings in JavaScript are sequences of Unicode (UTF-16) characters.

const greeting = "Hello 🌐";
console.log( greeting);

There isn't a separate type for representing characters in JavaScript. If you want to represent a single character, just use a string consisting of a sing

Delimiters are single or double quotes:

const greeting = "Hello 🌐";
const congrats = 'Congratulation 🎉';

You can also use template literals, using the backtick character `.

const greeting = `Hello 🌐`;

Backtick delimiters are useful for multiline strings and embedded expressions:

const name = "Ali";
const greeting = `**********
Hello ${name}!

You can call methods and properties available in String wrapper object directly on a primitive string value.

const name = "Ali";

The statements above work because JavaScript secretly converts the primitive string to its wrapper object type String.

Since ECMAScript 2015, you can access string characters similar to accessing array elements (using square bracket notation):

const animal = "cat";
console.log(animal[0], animal[1], animal[2]);

But you cannot use the square bracket notation to modify the string:

const animal = "cat";
animal[0] = "b";

See String on MDN web docs for more details.