Step 11

Merge Conflict

A common issue when working on multiple copies (clones) of a repository is a "merge conflict".

A merge conflict can occur when combining different versions of code, e.g. using git pull, if the different versions have different data in the same file.

Git will try to take care of merging automatically, but if two users edit, for example, the same file, a merge conflict will have to be manually resolved.

Let's simulate this! We have two local SleepTime App repositories. (On my computer, these are stored in folders sleeptime-git and sleeptime-app.) We will edit the style.css in both repositories!

In one of the repositories, open style.css and add the following property for body:

background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='100' height='100' viewBox='0 0 100 100'%3E%3Cg fill-rule='evenodd'%3E%3Cg fill='%23006095' fill-opacity='0.4'%3E%3Cpath opacity='.5' d='M96 95h4v1h-4v4h-1v-4h-9v4h-1v-4h-9v4h-1v-4h-9v4h-1v-4h-9v4h-1v-4h-9v4h-1v-4h-9v4h-1v-4h-9v4h-1v-4h-9v4h-1v-4H0v-1h15v-9H0v-1h15v-9H0v-1h15v-9H0v-1h15v-9H0v-1h15v-9H0v-1h15v-9H0v-1h15v-9H0v-1h15v-9H0v-1h15V0h1v15h9V0h1v15h9V0h1v15h9V0h1v15h9V0h1v15h9V0h1v15h9V0h1v15h9V0h1v15h9V0h1v15h4v1h-4v9h4v1h-4v9h4v1h-4v9h4v1h-4v9h4v1h-4v9h4v1h-4v9h4v1h-4v9h4v1h-4v9zm-1 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-9-10h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm9-10v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-9-10h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm9-10v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-9-10h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm9-10v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-10 0v-9h-9v9h9zm-9-10h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9zm10 0h9v-9h-9v9z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M6 5V0H5v5H0v1h5v94h1V6h94V5H6z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");

The above background-image is a pattern in SVG format.

Commit and push the changes:

git commit -am "Add pattern to background"
git push

In the other local repository, open style.css and add the following:

button {
  padding: 20px;
  border-radius: 20px;
  text-transform: capitalize;
  color: #001f3f;

Commit and push the changes:

git commit -am "Style the Zzz button"
git push

The push command must be rejected with an error message similar to the following:

 ! [rejected]        master -> master (fetch first)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do
hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing
hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes
hint: (e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.

The message says, in a nutshell, "the remote contains work that you do not have locally." The "work we don't have" are changes we've made earlier to style.css. You must first pull those changes from the remote (GitHub) repository before pushing new changes! So, run the following command:

git pull

The pull command will result in a merge conflict:

remote: Enumerating objects: 5, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 1), reused 3 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
   6279f94..ee19cbc  master     -> origin/master
Auto-merging style.css
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in style.css
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Resolving merge conflicts

To resolve a merge conflict, simply remove all lines and code that are not wanted and push the results.

Open style.css (in the local repository where merge conflict occurred). You should see the additions you've made to style.css are annotated in a fashion similar to this

<<<<<<< HEAD

button {
  padding: 20px;
  border-radius: 20px;
  text-transform: capitalize;
  color: #001f3f;
>>>>>>> ee19cbce36c878c0cbfccb4be983eafbf595b23e

Simply remove the annotations, and then commit and push changes!

git commit -am "Resolve merge conflic"
git push

When working in a team, it is the responsibility of the person who pushed their code last (and thus triggered the conflict) to resolve merge conflicts.