Step 6

We must remove the password from within the source code. A common practice is to store sensitive information such as passwords as "environment variables". Then, we can have the node application read that environment variable.

Update the index.js file:

- const password = "not-shown-here";
+ const password = process.env.DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD;

Now we must create an environment variable DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD and store the password in that variable. The process of creating environment variables varies in different environments (e.g. Mac vs. Windows). There is a Node package that makes this as easy as defining variables in a text file.

Install the dotenv package:

npm install dotenv

Create a .env file inside mongo-demo folder. Open the file and add the following:


Add the following to the top of index.js


To ensure this works as intended, you can add console.log(password) to index.js and run it.

You must exclude (ignore) the .env file from your git repository.