Step 8

In the wireframe, there is a QR code next to each meeting.

The QR shall contain the Zoom link for that meeting. Let's add that to our application.

We can now take a break from this app, go spend a few weeks reading about QR, trying to implement it, test it, and then come back here an add it to our application! Alternatively, we can do a Google search for "QR React component" (as I did) and find ready to use component such as qrcode.react on NPM.

Stop the application and install qrcode.react:

npm install qrcode.react

Open Meeting.js and import qrcode.react:

import QRCode from "qrcode.react";

Add a QR to the React element returned from the Meeting component:

return (
return (
  <li className="meeting-list-item" key={key}>
+   <div>
+     <QRCode value={} />
+   </div>
    <div className="meeting-details">
      <p className="title">{meeting.course}</p>
        <a href={}>{}</a>

Save the file and run the application. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Aside: This is why JavaScript is the solution fo rapid software prototyping. It took us a Google search and perhaps 5 minutes of reading to added a QR component to our application!