Step 11

Let's update the catch block in the route handler for POST /login in index.js:

} catch (err) {
  // redirect to homepage
  res.cookie("message", "Incorrect username or password").redirect("/");

Also, update the route handler for GET /:

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  const message = req.cookies.message;
  res.render("index.njk", { message });

Notice the message is read from the req.cookies and not req.query.

Save index.js and visit http://localhost:5001/. Enter a username/password that does not exist in the database. You must get the "Incorrect username or password" message. But notice the URL is simply http://localhost:5001/. So where does this data come from?

Open the developer tools, go to "Application" tab and look under "Cookies".