Step 18

Notice that you can edit the value of a cookie in developer tools:

You can even create a cookie, username, and give it a value. That would mean tricking our app to think a user has already logged in.

One strategy to mitigate this issue is to "sign" (encrypt) the "username" cookie.

To make signed (encrypted) cookie, you must first provide an encryption key to the cookieParser function:


Update your .env file and add an ENCRYPT_KEY variable


Next, you must provide an option when you create the "username" cookie to indicate you want this cookie to be signed:

- res.cookie("username", user.username).redirect(`/dashboard`);

+ res
+  .cookie("username", user.username, { signed: true })
+  .redirect(`/dashboard`);

Finally, you must change every instance of reading the "username" cookie, to read it as a signed cookie:

- const username = req.cookies.username;
+ const username = req.signedCookies.username;

Save the index.js file. Log in using a valid credential and then investigate the cookie generated for the user. For example, I've logged in using the user name madooei and this is the content of username cookie on my browser:


Notice the madooei is still part of the cookie. If I manually change the cookie however, (for example, change the madooei part to ali) and refresh the dashboard, it will recognize that I have tampered with the cookie and take me to the login page.

A better, more secure, strategy to encode your cookies is using Json Web Token (JWT). We will not cover this here but you can read more about it following these resources: